Friday, September 19, 2014


Dude, What do u want of me?

  • AFAIK - As far as i know;  "AFAIK its not relevant"
  • ASAP - As soon as possible;  "Please, do it ASAP"
  • BTW - By the way;  "BTW we'd implement it"
  • BRD - Business Requirement Document;
  • EOD - End of the day; "We'll finish it by EOD"
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Question;
  • FYI - For your info; "FYI: it's already implemented"
  • IDC - I don't care; "IDC about it"
  • IMHO - In my humble opinion; "IMHO this shit won't work in production" 
  • IMO - In my opinion; "IMO we're able to release it finally"
  • LMK - Let me know;  "LMK if SMTH(something)"
  • PDQ - Pretty damm quick;
  • RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual;
  • SDD - Software Design Document;
  • SRS - Software Requirement Specification;
  • TBD - To be done/defined;
  • THX - thanks.

U can try also to use the following web tool to find the needed abbreviation, but it's really hard to find the suitable one among a lot of variants. 

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