Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Be smart - use SMART princeple

S.M.A.R.T its an acronym commonly used to achieve the results but prevent procrastination.
According to this principle your objective should be:

  • S (specific goal): your objective should not be an abstract thing like "expand business" - "flying to the moon" is much more specific:) So, u should have some well defined goal to be able to focus on it, like "gather mushrooms".
  • M (measurable): your have to put concrete numbers in your objectives to be able to track your progress. e.g. "gather 5 kilograms of mushrooms"
  • A (achievable): it should be realistic & possible to getting it done, cause if your goal is to  "gather 5 kilograms of mushrooms in winter forest" it's obvious that you won't to aim to the stars.
  • R (relevant): your goal should be relevant in current conditions cause, if now is Autumn and you want to gather mushrooms when there was no any rain for few weeks your objective currently isn't relevant. 
  • T (time-based): you have to choose the time-frame to accomplish your goal, cause if you will pick up 3 mushrooms per day and you'll gather 5 kilos in a month, nobody will need your fcking mushrooms at all, you know...

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