Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Intellij IDEA - Shortcuts Arcenal

I noticed that in the most of cases it's more convenient to use the some Hot Key instead of Mouse (of course only if u know such one):
Hot Key Action
Ctrl+Shift+A Find Action
Ctrl+Alt+S Settings
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Project Settings
Ctrl+Tab Switch between Tabs
Alt+Home Jump To Navigation Bar
Alt+Number Open/Close to Corresponding Panel
Esc Go back to Editor
Shift+Esc Hide active or last active window
Alt+Left/Right Navigate via Opened Tabs
Ctrl+F4 Close Active Editor Tab
Ctrl+N Find a Class
Ctrl+Shift+N Find a Source file
Ctrl+E Recent Files
Ctrl+Shift+E Recently Edited Files
Alt+Down/Up Jump To Next/Previous method declaration
F4 or Ctrl+Alt+B Jump To Implementation
Ctrl+Shift+I Highlight Implementation
Ctrl+F12 Highlight Available Methods
Alt+F7 Find Usages
Ctrl+Shift+F7 Highlight Usages
Ctrl+]/[ Jump to Code Block end/start
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Jump To Back/Forward
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Jump To Last edited place
Ctrl+Shift+B Jump To Type declaration
Ctrl+U Go to super method
F11 or Ctrl+F11 Toggle Bookmark
Ctrl+Shift#[0-9] Toggle Numbered Bookmark
Ctrl+#[0-9] Go to Numbered Bookmark
Shift+F11 Show Bookmarks
Ctrl+Shift+T Create or Navigate to Test

Code Editing
Hot Key Action
Shift+Enter Start new line (jumps even from the middle on the current line)
Ctrl+D Duplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl+Y Delete current line
Ctrl+Shift+J Smart line join
Ctrl+Enter Smart line split
Ctrl+Shift+U Toggle Case for word or selected block
Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Move Block Up/Down
Alt+Shift+Up/Down Move Line Up/Down
Ctrl+Delete Delete to word end
Ctrl+Backspace Delete to word start
Ctrl+Numpad+/- Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl+/ Comment/uncomment line
Ctrl+Shift+/ Comment/uncomment block
Ctrl+W Select word or code block incrementally
Ctrl+Shift+W Decrease selection to previous state
Quick lookup
Hot Key Action
Alt+Q Context info lookup
Ctrl+Q Quick Documentation popup
Ctrl+P Method Parameters info
Shift+F12 Available Methods lookup
Ctrl+Shift+I Implementation lookup
Ctrl+Alt+F7 Usages lookup
Ctrl+E Recent Files lookup
Ctrl+Shift+E Recently Edited Files lookup
Ctrl+J Insert Live Template lookup
Ctrl+Tab Switch Tabs popup
Alt+BackQuote(`) VCS quick popup
Code Completion
Hot Key Action
Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Shift+Space Simple or Smart code completion
Alt+Insert Generate code (Getters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)
Ctrl+Alt+T Surround with (if..else, try..catch, for, etc.)
Ctrl+Alt+J Surround with Live Template
Alt+Enter Show intention actions & quick fixes (inline, surround with, generate, etc.)
Ctrl+Alt+O Optimize imports
Ctrl+Alt+L Reformat code
Ctrl+Alt+M/V/F/C/P Extract Method/Variable/Field/Constant/Parameter
Shift+F6 Rename all
Alt+Delete Safe delete
Ctrl+J Insert Live Template
Hot Key Action
Ctrl+T Update
Ctrl+K Commit
Ctrl+Shift+K Push (Git specific)
Alt+BackQuote(`) VCS quick popup
seeAlso: intellij IDEA - shortcuts arcenal (MAC)

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