Monday, March 16, 2015

SQL data reliability - CONSTRAINTS usage

Data Integrity

The following categories of the data integrity exist with each RDBMS:

  • Entity Integrity: There are no duplicate rows in a table.
  • Domain Integrity: Enforces valid entries for a given column by restricting the type, the format, or the range of values.
  • Referential integrity: Rows cannot be deleted, which are used by other records.
  • User-Defined Integrity: Enforces some specific business rules that do not fall into entity, domain or referential integrity.


Rules enforced on data columns that ensures the accuracy and reliability of the DB data.
Constrains could be column or table level.

All existing Constraint types will be described below: NOT NULL, DEFAULT, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY.

Constraints Naming

Ensure that each column has a descriptive name!
Doing so makes DB more self-documenting and easy to understand for those who didn't develop it.

Consider adding surrogate keys – columns that have no business meaning but can uniquely identify each row. Identity columns are a great example of surrogate keys.

If you do use surrogate keys be sure that their name includes the table/entity name.
For example, do not add a column called ID to each table. Instead use customer_id, supplier_id, store_id and so forth.

There are a lot of conventions and holy wars regarding the Constraints naming.
Just choose the most understandable one and follow it.

I use the following Constraint prefixes:

Name prefix Statement type
I prefer UQ_ over UK_ or UN_ which u can find in some SQL standarts, cause UQ_ isn't intercepted with others abbreviations.
The same for CHK_ instead of CC_ or CK_ and IDX_ instead of IX_ - cause it's more precise & understandable.
Whatever, if u work in a team, just consider the team guidelines and don't mess it up with your own keys!

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