Monday, May 11, 2015

Keynote: Understand Java Collections

Collections API based on the following flavors:

Interface Description
Lists Lists of things ordered by index
Sets Groups of Unique things (without duplicates)
Maps Key-Value entries with unique Keys
Queues Items arranged by the order to be processed (FIFO/LIFO)

Notice, that Map-related collections do not implement java.util.Collection:

Remember: An implementation class can be either Ordered or Unordered and Sorted or Unsorted. However Sorted implementation is always Ordered cause sorting itself is a specific type of ordering:

Type Details
Ordered U can iterate though it in certain predictable order. (List Implementations and classes that contain prefix Linked are ordered)
Unordered Means that iteration order might be random. (HashMap, HashSet, HashTable, etc. are unordered)
Sorted Order determined according the sorting rules defined during creation. (classes that contain prefix Tree) are sorted e.g TreeSet, TreeMap
Unsorted Items arranged by the insertion-order, but not sorted by certain rules.
U always should override equals() & hashcode() methods in elements that are used in collections baked on hashcode, those contain Hash prefix.

U can use only mutually comparable elements in sorted collections. So, those should have the same type & implement Comparable functional interface. Or those should be sorted/searched via the using Comparator.

List Interface

A List interface is all about index, it provides such methods like get(int index), indexOf(Object o), add(int index,Object obj), etc.

List implementations are ordered by position that u determine during the invocation of add/set(int index, E element) or by adding it to the end.


It's ordered by index, but not sorted collection.
An ArrayList has dynamic size, so most of the time (except capacity optimization cases) u shouldn't care about it length during creation:)
ArrayList offers constant-time positional access and it's just plain fast.
However, to add elements to the beginning and remove from it's interior require linear-time O(n)
in ArrayList.
ArrayList is not synchronized, but if at least one of the threads modifies the list structurally during concurrent access to it, ArrayList should be synchronized externally.
The best way to do it at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the list:
List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(...));

It also implements RandomAccess marker interface, otherwords u can use it to fast (constant-time) random access.

Prefer ArrayList over a LinkedList when u need fast iteration but aren't likely to be doing a lot of insertion & deletion.


Like ArrayList a LinkedList is unsynchronized & ordered by index position list that permits all elements (including null), except it's not possible to define initial capacity in LinkedList.

A LinkedList is the list implementation where the elements are doubly-linked to one another.
In addition to List interface the LinkedList class implements Deque that gives you methods for adding and removing from the beginning or end, which makes it easy choise for implementing a stack or queue.
A LinkedList offers constant-time for the adding/removing the elements from the begging or the end. However positional access in LinkedList requires linear-time O(n), that means it iterate more slowly than ArrayList. So, choose it when u need frequent insertion/deletion operations.


Think about Vector as about synchronized ArrayList.
Vector is the only class other than ArrayList to implement RandomAccess.
However Vector is deprecated & has loads of legacy operations!

So, prefer using the ArrayList with external syncronization instead of Vector.
Also prefer to use Deque implementation instead of Stack class that is a Vector descendant.

Set Interface

Set it's straightforward interface which contains only methods inherited fromCollection,
but cares only about uniqueness - it doesn't allow duplicates.

Bulk operations are particularly well suited to Sets. e.g. s1.containsAll(s2), s1.retainAll(s2), etc. Copy one set before calling the appropriate bulk operation to non destruct the original set:
Set intersection = new HashSet(s1);


A HashSet is an unsorted & unordered Set that permits the null element.

HashSet is much faster than TreeSet, it offers constant-time for most operations (add, remove, contains and size) but no ordering guarantees.
HashSet uses the inserted object hashcode, so the more efficient your hashcode() implementation, the faster access you'll get.
Choose HashSet when u need collection with no duplicates and you don't care about the order when iterate through it.


A LinkedHashSet is ordered (keeps insertion-order) HashSet,
that maintains doubly-linked list running through all of its elements.

Use LinkedHashSet instead of HashSet when you need predictable iteration order - it allows u to iterate through the elements in the order they were inserted.

A LinkedHashSet runs nearly as fast as HashSet, but iteration time is not affected by capacity(cause it's not possible to tune it like in HashSet).
When you use either HashSet or LinkedHashSet, the entries must override equals() and hashCode() methods!

Otherwise, the default Object.hashCode() method will allow multiple objects, that u might consider meaningfully equal to be added into your no-duplicates set.


A TreeSet is implementation of the SortedSet, which entries are sorted by natural-order (ascending) or according to sorting rules of Comparator used at the creation time.

Choose TreeSet when u need collection of the unique elements sorted by either natural or the specific order.

Map Interface

A Map allows to map your unique keys (IDs) to the specific values,
which both could be a type of Object.

A Map cares about the keys uniqueness.
And like a Set it's relies on the equals() method to determine whether two keys are the same or different.
Maps don't implement Collection interface.
However it contains the Collection View methods(keySet, values, entrySet),
which allow a Map to be viewed as a Collection.

Use Map to do things like search for a value based on the key,
or to ask for a Collection either of just the values, of just the keys


A HashMap it's unsynchronized, unsorted, unordered Map with high performance.
HashMap unlike Hashtable allows one null key and multiple null values in a collection.
The basic operations of Map (put, get, containsKey, containsValue, size, and isEmpty) behave exactly like their counterparts in Hashtable.
A HashMap is mach more faster than HashTable but not synchronized!

So, if u need use it in concurrency take a look on ConcurrentHashMap cause HashTable is slow.
Or u can synchronize HashMap externally:


Hashtable is like a Vector synchronized & deprecated interface.
Hashtable doesn't allow neither null key nor null values!


LinkedHashMap offers near HashMap speed
and like a LinkedHashSet guarantee, that iteration order will be the same as insertion-order.

Also, LinkedHashMap provides the removeEldestEntry method which makes it very easy to implement a custom cache via overriding it.


Like a TreeSet implement NavigableSet which is descendant of SortedSet, TreeMap implements NavigableMap which is descendant of SortedMap,therefore it's a sorted either by natural-order or by the rules defined by the used Comparator.

So, TreeMap rely on the same principles as TreeSet, which means your entries should be mutually-comparable. It consistent with equals, and entries either should implement Comparable interface or be sorted via using some Comparator implementation. TreeMap & TreeSet contain a batch of extremely useful methods for elements-polling (retrieving and removing the first/last (highest) element).

Queue Interface

A Queue is an ordered Collection designed to hold the elements in order to be processed, that typically is FIFO (firs-in, first-out).

Priority Queue

Unlike the typical basic FIFO/LIFO queues that can be handled by LinkedList
, PriorityQueue is supposed to maintain "priority-in, priority-out" queue.

PriorityQueue elements are ordered either by natural-ordering(first elements will be accessed first) or according to Comparatororder represents their relative priority.

Deque Interface

The simple Deque can be used both as FIFO (first-in, first-out) and LIFO (last-in, first-out).
Beyond the simple Queue in a Deque all new elements can be inserted, retrieved and removed at both ends.
LinkedList implements Deque interface in addition to List one.

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